Crave World Clock All the ideas and discussions
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Add my own city and click which time zone it's in. Also, more skins for both desktop clocks would be nice

I live in a smaller town and yet I couldn't find the "big" cities in my own state. It would be nice to be able to just select a time zone instead of a specific city, if there isn't a city to select. Also, the world clock looks great and the background feature is cool but the desktop clocks (both analog and digital) look very basic and too bright. When you look at a nice watch, it's not vibrant blue.

Paul , 28.01.2011, 09:05
Idea status: under consideration


pa basheer, 13.09.2011, 09:46
I would like to put my own jpg snaps as the face of the wall clock instead of the dumb American continents which is given as default background.

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